
Can You Make Money On Tumblr

Can I Get Paid for Blogging on Tumblr?

By Ashley Poland

How much money you can make blogging depends on your audience.

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Tumblr as a medium doesn't offer any way to get paid for the posts you make, but you can turn your Tumblr blog into a source of revenue. For some users, the easiest method is to place ads on your blog page or even within your posts. However, using your Tumblr blog as a method of social media to complement your business has the potential to make you more money in the long run.

Ad Space

The simplest way to get paid for blogging on Tumblr is to include ads on your blog. If you're new to working with ad space, you can use a service like Google AdSense for easy integration into your blog. Other automated services include Project Wonderful and Amazon Associates (links in Resources). You can also sell ad space independently, though this often requires either strong networking connections or contacting businesses directly.

Sponsored Posts

To get paid for your specific posts, you might look into affiliate marketing or signing up to write sponsored posts for companies in turn for payment. Affiliate marketing can work in a number of ways -- some methods work on commission, while others pay when your visitors complete some sort of action. According to Darren Rowse of ProBlogger, this can work well for bloggers, but only if your audience is one that trusts your word and is likely to act on your posts. Some services to help bloggers meet up with advertisers on sponsored posts include PayPerPost and SocialSpark (links in Resources).

Sales Promotion

If you have a good or service that you sell, don't be afraid to sell it through Tumblr -- just don't forget that Tumblr users value personal interaction over copy-and-paste marketing content. You can use your Tumblr blog to promote any shop, whether you run it from your own website or have an Etsy store; the key is to keep your Tumblr blog active and engage your followers.


You can use Tumblr as an extension of your social media to reach a different market, such as BustedTees has done with its Tumblr account. The demographic on Tumblr is overseas, with the Philippines, Brazil and Australia the top three countries for users. The users are predominantly female and are mostly 18 to 34. By knowing who your readers are, you can better target your posts and your revenue sources for mutual benefit.


Writer Bio

Ashley Poland has been writing since 2009. She has worked with local online businesses, supplying print and web content, and pursues an active interest in the computer, technology and gaming industries. In addition to content writing, Poland is also a fiction writer. She studied creative writing at Kansas State University.

Can You Make Money On Tumblr


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